Approach Anxiety
That's right kids, the big AA, and I don't mean Alcoholics Anonymous (Although some of us in the community could use it by now.) There are multiple facets of this AA. First being the initial fear of approaching a total stranger and striking up a conversation. This is the one everyone talks about and always says just do it. Second being the actual one that a lot of us get but is never talked about. The one where you get IOI's and freeze yourself out because you start running through your head."What am I going to say?"
"Am I going to run out of material?"
"What if I say something stupid and ruin it all?"
"What if her linebacker boyfriend is buying protein and weights 2 aisles over and just got discharged from the marines for anger issues?"
Who gives a shit?
Take a deep breath. We were born to be social beings. With the advances in modern technology we have lost that touch. What are we in fear of? Are we really in fear of failure? Or is it the possibility of success? People are not unique and beautiful snowflakes that if you strike up a conversation will say "Oh god you're not attractive get away!" This holds true for everyone including the homeless man collecting change, the guy selling you gum that just graduated high school, or the HB10 that you see walking her little pet poodle.
Is it really some mythical beast of evolution? Or is it the pressure of fitting in with modern society? I believe it's neither and just our own insecurities playing games. We are all our own worst critics! Have some fucking confidence, you really are an interesting person and have a lot to offer.
You'd be surprised how far you could get by just TALKING to people.
Is it really some mythical beast of evolution? Or is it the pressure of fitting in with modern society? I believe it's neither and just our own insecurities playing games. We are all our own worst critics! Have some fucking confidence, you really are an interesting person and have a lot to offer.
“To wish you were someone else
is to waste the person you are.”
is to waste the person you are.”
So how do we over come AA? Go out there and just talk to people. Anyone. Get social. Stop worrying about running routines or trying to pick up girls. Just be fucking social and in time you'll get over your fear of talking to anyone in general be it a grenade, crack head, stripper, or the guy who sells dancing monkey dolls in the subway system. What is the difference between a super hot chick and a fat ugly hobo? Absolutely nothing. Beauty is only skin deep, we're all human. What is the worst that can happen? She won't fuck you? Big deal. You've just made a new friend, and the point of all this is the hang out with girls, isn't it?
We're all in this together, we've all struggled and continue to struggle in aspects of our game. Every journey is begun with a single step, so why not take a flying fucking leap? So for homework I want you to go out and strike up random conversation with people you don't know. I don't care if it's a hired gun or some super hot blond that's buying a mocha latte cappuccino. Good luck! And always remember to smile, the world isn't out to get you!
It's all about having fun!
I love that man.. props
i added you to my links, dude. hope you don't mind.
-evan (p1an0)
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